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Sweet In-Home Lifestyle Newborn Session

It was so sweet to get to take Olivia's newborn photos. I took Erika + Taylor's engagement and wedding photos a few years ago so it's been fun to watch their little family grow. Olivia was so squishy and easy-going. She slept for the majority of our session! I love that in-home lifestyle sessions capture the natural interactions with your new babe. From the little fingers and toes to their sweet baby fuzz... I can't get enough!

The newborn stage passes by so fast. Through the sleepless nights and overwhelm you kind of forget that it will pass. You forget that every day your tiny little baby is growing so fast, & then in the blink of an eye you look back and realize your child is hardly the same newborn you once held in your arms. They learn and grow so fast and that’s when you realize you never had enough.

That’s why I love lifestyle newborn sessions. Capturing these fleeting moments between you and your new babe are so priceless.

Enjoy this video I took during Olivia’s newborn session!


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